This chapter includes the following topics:
1 Turning on or turning off automatic tasks
1 About custom task
1 About scheduling automatic tasks
1 About scheduling backups
1 Specifying Idle Time Out duration
Turning on or turning off automatic tasks
Norton360 runsautomatictasks asitquietlyworks to
protect your PC. These automatic tasks include
scanning for viruses, monitoring your Internet
connection, updating backups, and downloading
protection updates. These activities run in the
background when your PC is turned on.
If any item needs your attention, Norton 360 displays
amessage thattells youthe currentstatus orasksyou
to do something. If you donot see any messages, then
Norton 360 is doing its job and your PC is protected.
You can openNorton 360 atany time to seethe status
of your PC at a glance or to view protection details.
notifies you with a message in the notification area
that is located atthe far-right of the task bar.You can
Doing routine