You can usethe icon that appearsbefore the name
of a background job to start or stop a background
1 The timestamp of the Norton task
You can view detailssuch as the date on whichthe
backgroundjoblastran andthetime.Thesedetails
helpyoudecidewhethertostart abackgroundtask
or wait for Norton 360 to run the job during idle
1 The duration of the Norton task
You can view thelength of time that a Nortontask
ran the last time. The details also help you
determine the length of time a background task
takes to complete if you start it.
1 The background task has run during idle time or
run during idle time or you should run it.
1 The status of the Norton task
You can view details about the completion of the
1 The power source that the Norton Task uses.
You canspecify thetype of powersource thateach
of the Norton Tasks uses. Use the Configure link
that is available next to the power source icon to
configure the power source for the Norton Tasks.
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