.fm file extension in the Office Documents category,
you can add the .fm file extension to the category.
The EditFileType optionon the What tabof the
ManageBackupSets windowlets you add, edit, or
removefileextensionsineachbackupcategory. When
you check EditFileType, the Configure optionthat
appears nexttoeach backupcategory letsyou editfile
extensions in that category.
Youcan usethe EditFileTypeoption onthe Whattab
1 You can view the file extensions that are already
listed in a backup file category.
This option helps to ensure that the list has the
extensions of files that you intended to back up.
1 You can adda file extension tothe list or edita file
extension that is present in the list.
you run backup,Norton 360 mustback up the files
with the extensions that you added.
1 You can remove a file extension from the existing
list or a file extension that you added.
This option helps to ensure that Norton 360 does
notback uptheunintended files,thenext timeyou
run backup.
1 You can reset a file category to its default file
This option helpsto restore the changes youmade
to a backup file category.
The fileextensions areindependent of abackup set.If
you change a file extension in a backup file category,
the change applies to all backup sets.
Adding or editing a fileextension ina backup file
Each backup file category contains a list of file
extensions. However,you can add afile extension to a
backup file category. Norton 360 identifies the files
427Protecting your mediaand data
About backup set