name for the risk detected, but the local definitions
provide the specific name for the risk detected. For
example,if aTrojan horseis detected,thescan results
of the Insight Network might display Cloud.Trojan.
However,thescan resultsofthelocaldefinition might
display Trojan.Foo.
If the traditional scan completes while the Insight
NetworkScan progress status.
Networkcontext-menu scan,Instant MessengerScan,
and Download Insight scan. It does not support Email
Scan, Full System Scan, and Auto-Protect scan.
If the InsightProtection option is turned on, you can
manually run the following types of Insight Network
1 Insight Network Quick Scan
Norton 360 simultaneously performs a traditional
Quick Scan and an Insight Network Quick Scan to
scan the areas of your computer that the viruses
often target. Norton 360 also performs an Insight
Network Quick Scan simultaneously with an Idle
Quick Scan.
1 Insight Network context-menu scan
When you right-click a file, the shortcut menu
displays Norton 360 and then InsightNetwork
both local definitions and definitions that are
hosted in the Cloud.
This InsightNetworkScan commandis available
only for single file.
Turning off or turning on Insight Protection
InsightProtectionoption letsNorton 360perform an
Insight Network scan on your computer
169Scanning your computer
About Insight Networkscan