email messages.
The email messages that you receive in your email
program undergo scanning through different local
filters of Norton AntiSpam. The local filters use
filtering technology to classify email messages as
legitimateor spam.Ifthelocal filtersclassifyan email
messageasspam,Norton AntiSpamchangesthesubject
email message to your email client. If the local filters
fail to classify the email message as spam, Norton
AntiSpam collects information such as signature and
URL hashes of the email message. Norton AntiSpam
then sends this information to the Web Query filter
for additional analysis.
The Web Query filter analyzes the signature and URL
hashes of the email message and then sends the
analysis report to Norton AntiSpam. If the email
the subject of the email message and sends it to your
email program. Based on predefined email rules, the
email program then moves the email message to the
Junk folder or the Norton AntiSpam folder.
Symantec recommends that you keep the WebQuery
option turned on. Turning off the WebQuery option
increases your exposure to the spam email messages
that contain phishing or spam URLs.
Turning off or turning on Web Query
Norton AntiSpam uses local filters to identify spam
email messages. The email messages that the local
filters do not identify as spam are then scanned
additionallythrough theWeb Queryfilter.Web Query
filter analyzes the signature and URL hashes of the
emailmessages toclassify themaslegitimate emailor
spam email.
AntiSpam alters the subject of the email message.
293Keeping secure onthe Internet
About Norton AntiSpam