1 The name of a user-specified program that turns
on Silent Mode
1 The time and date when Silent Mode is turned on
or turned off
1 The severity displays the risk level of the selected
About the Silent Mode that you turn on manually
Norton 360 lets youmanually turn on Silent Modefor
a specified duration. When Silent Mode is turned on,
activities for the duration that you specify. You can
verify the turn-on status of Silent Mode in the
notification area, at the far right of the taskbar. The
Norton 360 icon in the notification area changes to a
crescent-patterned icon to display the turn-on status
of Silent Mode. Turning on Silent Mode manually
notifications, or background activities interrupting
you for the specified duration.
You can turn on Silent Mode for a period of one hour,
two hours, four hours,six hours, or one day. After the
specified duration, Norton 360 turns off Silent Mode.
YoucanalsomanuallyturnoffSilentModeat anytime.
The activitiesthat are suspended whenSilent Mode is
turned on, run after Silent Mode is turned off.
Turning on or turning off Silent Mode manually
You can manually turn on Silent Mode for a specified
duration before you perform any important task on
your computer. You can turn on Silent Mode for a
period of one hour, two hours, four hours, six hours,
or one day. The Norton 360 icon displays the turn-on
status of Silent Mode in the notification area, at the
far right of the taskbar. Norton 360 notifies you after
Silent Mode is turned off. After Silent Mode is turned
off, Norton 360 also displays alerts if it detected any
193Scanning your computer
About Silent Mode