In the ManageBackupSets window,click Save
Settings to save the settings.
In Windows Explorer, right-click the file, click
Norton360>Excludefrom Backup.
The ExcludefromBackup optionin the shortcut
menu is enabled only after you configure your
backup andwhenthe ManageBackupSets and the
RestoreFiles windows are closed.
Clickthebackupsetfromwhichyouwant toexclude
the file or the folder.
About backup locations
Norton 360 can back up your files to several kinds of
storage locations. The speed, safety, and quantity of
yourbackup dependonthechoice ofyourlocation. No
onebackuplocation isthebestinallsituationsand for
all users.
You can choose any storage location that Norton 360
offers foryourbackup location,depending onyour PC
and theconnected devices.Use the informationin the
435Protecting your mediaand data
About backup set