120 TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual
Instrument Properties
ere are two ways to open the Instrument Properties dialog.
• Double-click on an instrument.
• Right-click on an instrument and choose Properties from the Instrument context menu.
Name. e instrument name, with a maximum length of 63 characters.
Bank and Patch Numbers. is is where you assign the Bank and Patch (or Program Change)
numbers. ese settings are what the instruments will respond to when standard MIDI Bank and
Patch Change commands are sent from a keyboard or sequencers. Instrument numbers are from 0
to 127; banks from 0 to 16383.
Eects Send. is feature is disabled for the time being.
Attenuation and 6 dB Boost. is allows a global attenuation setting for the whole instrument. If
the instrument is prone to distorting or too loud, you can bring the volume down with this setting.
Enter a value from 0 to 96 dB. Alternatively, you can boost the overall volume of the instrument
by checking the 6 dB boost checkbox. is will cancel out the Attenuation setting. is also
cancels out any 6 dB boost settings on individual regions.