198 TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual
e following parameters are available for customizing your Mando-Tremolo rule:
Tremolo Rate controller. Used to assign a MIDI controller input to the real-time rate of the tremolo
Minimum Tremolo Rate. Measured in Hertz over milliseconds
Maximum Tremolo Rate. Measured in Hertz over milliseconds
Note-o Delay. Use the “note-o delay” slider to determine how long to wait aer a new note-on
before terminating the previous note. e release time of terminated samples is determined by that
regions EG1 release time.
Play Zone. Determines the upper and lower boundaries of instrument regions eected by the iMIDI
rule, defaulting to the max range of the instruments existing regions.
Instrument Layout. Determines the number of tremolo and non-tremolo splits present in the
instruments layout.
The Mono Mode Rule with Portamento Reshaping Filter (PRF)
e Mono rule has three functional modes: Staccato, Legato, and Legato with connecting samples. is
section has a detailed description of all three modes of the Mono rule.
e Mono rule is congured using the dialog seen below:
Aer instantiating the rule from the GigaEditor, use the above conguration panel to determine the mode
you wish to use for your instrument. All three modes share some common features: