TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual 185
The MIDI Filter Rule
is rule allows you to lter any type of MIDI event or group of events so that the instrument will ignore
them. Simply check the box of any event that you want to be ignored.
e Reset All button will uncheck all the boxes. e Filter All button will check all the boxes.
The Legato Mode Rule
e Legato Mode rule allows you to play authentic legato lines in real time on your keyboard. is tool
creates the most stunning and realistic note-to-note transitions ever. ese can be used for long
portamento slides bewteen notes or for natural legato note transitions. e rule automatically takes care of
complex dimension switching in real time as you play the keyboard.
Legato Mode requires some very meticulous sampling sessions to capture all the intervals, speeds and
loudness levels but the results are as realistic as can be.
e nice thing about this rule is that you need only to play the keyboard a certain way: there is no need for
key switching or MIDI sequence editing. e rule does all the connecting work in real time as you play. All
that is required is that you hold down one note while playing the next note in a phrase to connect those two
notes. To avoid connecting the notes, you li o a note before triggering the next note.