TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual 197
Modify Existing Filter
Choose an existing Filter from the Filter List to edit it. is avoids having to create an existing lter
from scratch.
Delete and Up/Down arrows
Select any Filter from the Filter List and delete it or move it up and down with these buttons.
Filter List
All the lters that are created and added appear in this list. From this list, you can select, delete and
reorder the lters. e menus in the Filter List reect the various settings from the Filter Design area.
MIDI Activity Window
• is window tracks every incoming MIDI event and puts it in this list.
• is is real helpful for discerning the MIDI controller numbers. Just play a note or controller and
look at the list to see what it is.
• To clear the list, close the interface and reopen it.
Experiment away with this tool. e possibilities are endless!
The Mando-Tremolo Rule
e Mando-Tremolo rule was designed as a means to emulate instruments that are oen played in a
tremolo style (the quick repetition of the same note), like the mandolin for example.
Developer Requirements
1 set of standard sustain samples (preferably alternating strokes)
1 Smart MIDI Processor Dimension (up to 256 splits)
Once the Smart MIDI Processor Dimension has been created, you can assign the Mando-Tremolo rule to
your instrument. e samples are played back in the same order that they are sequenced within the Smart
MIDI Processor Dimension splits (alternating up and down stroke samples is a good idea).