TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual 193
Note to trigger. e MIDI note that will be triggered by the controller.
Note On/Note O. Determines whether the controller will trigger a Note On or Note O message.
Override pedal. If you are dening a Note O trigger, check this box if you want the Note O to be
performed even when the sustain pedal is down.
Tacking sensitivity. Denes the velocity sensitivity of the trigger. Change this value to make the Note
On velocity more or less sensitive to the rate at which you sweep the controller.
Switch controller logic enabled. is checkbox and the Velocity setting next to it are used with
controller devices that do not send continuous values, such as a switch-type pedal that only sends 0 for
“up” and 127 for “down.” With a controller like this there is no basis for velocity sensitivity. When
this box is checked, the velocity of triggered notes is xed at the value dened in the Velocity box.
When you have dened a trigger, click the Add button. You can combine several triggers for complex
For example, here we have the Mod Wheel triggering a small scale (C-D-E-F-G) when pushed forward:
Use the Remove button to delete any trigger from the list.
The Release Trigger With Tracking Rule
is is a simple-looking rule that does some very fancy work.
• When using Release Trigger dimensions, this tool tracks the volume of the samples as they play.
• When the note is released, the release trigger plays back at an appropriate volume based on how
loud the sample was when it was released.
• It can track the voice parameters such as the amplitude envelope and base the release trigger
playback volume based on the position of the envelope.
• It can also track both the parameters and the signal level.