206 TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual
Mono Rule: Legato mode with connecting samples
e legato mode with connecting samples enabling developers to simulate
legato transitions without the need for interval specic sampling.
ere are two modes this version of rule: normal and target tracking.
Developer Requirements
• Set of standard sustain samples (primary sustain)
• Set of standard release trigger samples (primary release)
• Set of 'connecting samples' (transitional sample)
Will require developer to sample an instrument performance of a 'legato movement,' i.e. two notes
performed in succession from which a sample of the transition can be extracted.
• Set of 'target' sustain samples (target sustain)
Optional for developer; primary sustain samples can double as target sustain since independent
envelope control and sample start oset capability will allow for one set of sustain samples to
perform both tasks eectively.
• Set of secondary release trigger samples (secondary release)
Also optional; 1 set of release triggers can be mapped to dierent dimensions w/independent
editing capability to provide note-o functionality to entire instrument.
Poly Mode
instrument behaves typically, note-o messages re primary release trigger samples
Mono Mode
Giga tracks root of primary sustain to re o corresponding secondary release and transitional samples as
primary sustain note moves to target sustain note, i.e. if the primary sustain is C4 and the target sustain is
F4, Giga recognizes C4 as the 'active' note and res o the corresponding C4 secondary release and C4
transitional samples when a note-on status is triggered by the F4 key.
Instrument Behavior: Normal Mode
Region Layout
1 (Round Robin –optional)
2 (Smart Midi Processor) Primary Sustain (P)
Target Sustain (TS)
Secondary Release (SR)
Transitional (T)
3 (Release Trigger – optional)