22 TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual
4. Click on the check boxes to open or close the folders to
display or hide the samples. Now the samples are imported,
organized and ready to be mapped into instruments.
Importing Pitch Information
If you are building a melodic instrument (as opposed to, say, a drum kit) GigaStudio will need to know the
root pitch of each sample you import, so that the sample can be transposed appropriately at playback. Pitch
information takes the form of two values, the unity note (which identies the point on the keyboard where
the sample should play back without transposition) and a ne tuning value which is typically used to
compensate for small tuning inaccuracies in the original performance.
Unity note and ne tuning are sometimes saved along with the audio data in a standard .wav le. If your
samples include this data, the Giga Editor will recognize it when the samples are imported, and retain the
information in each sample’s properties.
If your .wav les don’t include tuning information, you have a couple of options. One is to set the unity
note of each sample aer you import it, by double-clicking on the sample to bring up the Sample properties
dialog. If your sample les are named appropriately, an easier method is to let the editor extract the unity
note from the name of each .wav le as you import it. is is possible if your le names contain either the
MIDI note number or the name of the unity note in a format the Editor can recognize, for example:
Trumpet legato 61. wav
Trumpet legato C#4.wav