132 TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual
Selecting Regions
To select a single region, simply click that region with the le mouse button. e rst region you select
turns orange:
To select a range of contiguous regions, select the region at one end of the range, and then hold down the
SHIFT key while clicking the region at the other end of the range. You may also drag the mouse to perform
a “rubber band” selection of multiple regions by holding down the ALT key (the ALT key is not necessary
for this technique if you begin the drag in the empty gray portion of the display).
To select a range of regions that are not contiguous, hold down the CTRL key and click with the mouse to
add or remove regions from the selection.
Note that the single most recently selected region is colored orange. is region has the focus – the
dimension windows and articulation value displays refer to this region.
If multiple regions are selected, the additional regions are colored yellow. Editing functions that work with
multiple regions, such as Copy or Delete, are applied to both the orange focus region and all of the yellow
selected regions.
Stretching and Moving Regions
Regions are stretched by grabbing the le or right edge and dragging
with the mouse.