Data Information prepared in a particular format for use by the terminal or host
computer for a specific transaction or operation.
Data Entry The process of using a keyboard or other device to input data directly into a
Data Packets A packet of information transmitted from one device to another.
Default A value automatically assigned by the program when another value has not
been specified.
Delete To remove a record or item of data.
Diagnostics The procedure for detecting and isolating a problem with the terminal or
Dial-Up Line A regular public telephone line. The switching equipment on a dial-up line
requires that a party dial the other party before a connection can be made.
Display The small screen on your terminal that displays prompts and messages to
guide you through different operations and to alert you when errors or
problems occur.
Download The process of transferring data from one device to another.
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory. A type of memory chip
permanently stored in the terminal. Contains the standard application,
operating system and fixed prompts.
File A collection of logically related records.
Firmware The basic instructions built into the terminal, stored in ROM and executed
Fraud Control Measures taken to prevent unauthorized use of a credit or debit card.
Handshaking The process of exchanging codes, or contol characters, between two
devices. The codes are predetermined and establish a connection between
both terminals.
TRANZ 460 Terminal Glossary - 3