
Setup Code 7 was entered in the Setup function. Enter "Y" or "N" or press
[ENTER] to keep the printer already installed. Enter "1" for the PINpad 101
device, or "2" for the PINpad 201 device.
PROGRAMING ERR Ø If your terminal displays this message, you can attempt recovery by pressing
the [3] and [5] keys simultaneously, causing the terminal to recalculate the
checksum digit that may be the cause of the error message. An alternate
method is to hold down the [1] key and press the [ENTER] key until the
calendar/clock reappears on the display, then reload the program.
PROMPT FIELD <#n> Enter an extended prompt, up to 16 characters, to be used in Sale, Ticket, or
Return transactions (N= 1 or 2).
READY *nnn* The terminal displays "READY" when it is available to process transactions,
where nnn = the number of transactions left to be stored in the terminal. For
example, READY **3** indicates that there is space for storage of three
more transactions.
RECALL WHAT? Enter the memory location you wish to review.
RECEIVING The terminal is receiving a response from the host computer.
REPORTING? Y/N Enter "Y" to print the records in the Close Batch transaction, or "N" to
continue with the closing.
RE-PRINT Display indicating a reprint function was selected.
RETAIL TERMS Enter the 4-digit retail terms, then press [ENTER].
RETURN Display when initiating procedures to authorize a return/credit.
SALE Display when the [1] key is pressed to process a standard credit card sale
transaction. Wait for the next prompt.
<current value>
Setup prompt. Enter the name of the tran type for all Sale transactions, up
to seven alphanumeric characters, then press [ENTER], or press [ENTER] to
leave unchanged.
Appendix D. Prompts and Error Messages
TRANZ 460 Terminal D - 7