
5-10 WAN Ports
Model No.
Running Head
WAN port User Screens and Settings WAN ports
An Errored Second (ES) is a second with one or more CRC-6 (ESF), or CRC-4 (T1) errors,
one or more Out-Of-Frame (OOF) errors, or one or more Controlled Slips.
An Unavailable Second (UAS) is any second during which service is unavailable. An
unavailable signal state is declared after ten consecutive Severely Errored Seconds (SESs) are
logged. An unavailable state is cleared after ten consecutive non-Severely Errored Seconds
are logged. Unavailable Seconds are also accumulated if the port has an out-of-service (OOS)
A Severely Errored Second (SES) is any second with 320 or more CRC-6 (T1 ESF), or CRC-4
(T1) errors. Or, an SES can be any second with one or more Out-Of-Frame (OOF) errors.
A Bursty Errored Second (BES) is any second with more than one and fewer than 320 CRC-6
(ESF), or CRC-4 (T1) errors.
The Loss of Frame Count (LOFC) is the number of times a Loss Of Frame (LOF) is declared.
An LOF is declared after 2.5 seconds of a continuous Loss Of Synchronization (LOS) or
Out-Of-Frame (OOF) condition. The LOF is cleared after no more than 15 consecutive
seconds without another LOS or OOF.
A Slipped Second is any second that contains one or more Controlled Slips. A Controlled Slip
is the deletion or replication of a T1 frame by the receiving equipment.
uSerregs Allows you to view the User Registers. Not shown for T1 operations
because it is the only set of registers for that mode.
Networkregs Allows you to view the Network Registers. When you are viewing the
network registers, the Clear Registers option disappears. (This action is
not available in D4 mode or T1 operations.)
Clearregs Clears the User Registers. Network statistics remain the same.
Main Returns to the WAN port Main Screen.