
Sub Rate Data Ports 8-3
SRU Ports SRU port User Screens and Settings
Table 8-1. Main Screen Actions
Table 8-2 lists the SRU port Main Screen parameters and available option settings.
Table 8-2. Main Screen Option Settings and Defaults
1. The only options available for the SRU ports are: a and b-5.All five ports will use the
same Frame Format.
2. Speeds of 0.3, 1.2, and 14.4 are not supported for synchronous channels.
3. Communication Configuration is a three step process. This field will show n/a when
sync is chosen as the INTF option.
Action Function
Save Saves changes to settings.
Undo Returns all settings to the last saved state.
Refresh Updates certain time-related information fields that are not automatically
updated (i.e., test status).
Copy Copies the contents of the current column to the next column. Useful if you
change a lot of entries in one column and want to repeat those changes in
subsequent columns.
Test Initiates and monitors testing of all SRU port ports. Refer to the Test section
of this chapter.
Main Returns to the System Main Screen. If changes are made to settings and not
saved, you will be prompted to save or lose changes.
Parameter User Options Notes Default
STATE stdby act stdby
WAN/SRV none wan-1 wan-2 wan-3 wan-4 owan-1 owan-2
owan-3 owan-4
TS 01-24 or 01-31 01
FRAME a b-5 1 a
RATE .3 1.2 2.4 4.8 9.6 14.4 19.2 28.8 38.4 2 .3
SR TS n/a 1 1-5 1
INTF asyn sync asyn
8 7 6 5 8
COM CF 1 2 3 1
none odd even space mark none
CTS perm l0 l30 l60 l100 rl0 rl3 rl6 rl10 off perm
TX CLK n/a int ext n/a
LB off dte net off
LB GEN n/a off ocu csu dsu off