
Diagnostics 14-3
System Testing and Diagnostics User port Diagnostics
14.3.2 Voice Diagnostics
The software-initiated diagnostics supported are voice ports include the setting of both analog
and digital loopbacks toward the network and the generation of Quiet Tone and a Digital
MilliWatt signal on a port-by-port basis. The operator can also monitor and set the state of the
analog leads of any FXS or E&M port. They can set and monitor the state of the ABCD
signaling bits of the digitized voice signal. In cross-connect system, test functionality also
includes the ability to generate test tones (300Hz, 1 kHz and 3 kHz) and transmit those toward
the user side or the network side of the system. The table below shows detailed information
on the diagnostic capabilities of the Voice ports.
4-wire E&M 2-wire FXS
On-port loopbacks
Analog Toward Network Yes Yes
Digital Toward Network Yes Yes
Signaling Manipulation
Set Status of Analog Interface Leads Yes Yes
Set Transmit ABCD Signaling Bits Yes Yes
Set Receive ABCD Signaling Bits Yes* Yes*
Monitor Status of Analog Interface
Yes Yes
Monitor Status of Transmit ABCD
Signaling Bits
Yes Yes
Monitor Status of Receive ABCD
Signaling Bits
Yes Yes
Tone Generation
Tone Supported
300 Hz Yes* Yes*
1 kHz Yes* Yes*
3 kHz Yes* Yes*
Quiet Tone Yes Yes
Digital MilliWatt Yes Yes
Tone Direction
Toward User Yes Yes
Toward Network Yes Yes