9-8 High Speed Data Ports
Model No.
Running Head
Figure 9-4.Local Network Loopback
The Loopback Generation Mode (LB GEN MODE) setting defines the type of inband loop-up
and loop-down codes that will be sent to the remote equipment. Two industry-standard codes
are supported: v.54, which is compatible with CCITT V.54 standard and ft1, which is
compatible with ANSI Fractional T1 standards.
If you selected v.54 or ft1 as the Loopback Generation (LB GEN) mode setting, the Loopback
Generation setting allows you to send an on (loop-up command) or off (loop-down
Note that you cannot perform loop-up and loop-down commands on more than one port of the
IMACS-200 simultaneously. You must finish all loopback operations on one port before
starting them on another port.
Depending on the selection you made for the Loopback Generation mode above, the
IMACS-200 port will respond to any of the loopback codes generated by a remote system. The
Loopback Detection (LB DET) setting lets you enable or disable this capability on each port.
However, this setting does not affect local loopback commands from a local control terminal.
Choose off to have the port ignore remote loopback commands. Choose on to make the port
monitor for loopback commands sent from the remote equipment. Note that the system will
detect only the loopbacks in the format selected as the LB GEN mode. When the system
detects a loopback code, it loops the data back until the remote equipment releases the
loopback. The w/to (with time-out) setting is the same as on, except that after 10 minutes the
system automatically releases the loopbacks initiated by the remote equipment.