
System Standards and Specifications A-3
A.3.4 Equipment Handling
A.3.4.1 Packaged Equipment Shock Criteria
As per IEEE STD 1613 - 2003 section 10 Table 15. 1000 mm fall.
A.3.4.2 Unpackaged Equipment Shock Criteria
As per IEEE STD 1613 - 2003 section 10 Table 15. 100 mm fall.
A.3.5 Office Vibration and Transportation Vibration
A.3.5.1 Office Vibration
As per IEEE STD 1613 - 2003 section 10 Table 14. Severity class V.S.3.
A.3.5.2 Transportation Vibration
As per IEEE STD 1613 - 2003 section 10 Table 14. Severity class V.S.4.
A.3.6 Mounting
A.3.6.1 Types
EIA 19” (482 mm) Standard Open Rack or Enclosed Cabinet. WECO 23” Standard Open
Rack or Enclosed Cabinet. Table Mount or Rack Mount.
Chassis CHAS
Front 10” (25 cm)
Back 10” (25 cm)
Top 2” (5 cm)
Bottom 2: (5 cm)