OWAN Ports 13-5
Figure 13-3.Typical OWAN port Main Screen
The bottom highlighted line on this screen lists several actions you can perform from the
screen. To perform an operation, simply press the uppercase letter associated with the desired
action. For example, to save your option settings, type “s”. Table 13-2 lists the actions you can
13.4 OWAN Port Main Screen Actions
Table 13-2. OWAN Port Main Screen Actions
The state is the only user-editable field at this level. Options are to place the port standby
(stby), active (actv) or redundant (rdnt).
Action Function
Save Saves changes to settings.
Undo Returns all settings to the last saved state.
Refresh Updates certain time-related information fields that are not automatically
updated (i.e., performance and test data).
sWitch Switches activity from one port to the other.
pOrts Status and change screens for each WAN port contained in the E2 or DS2.
Main Returns to the System Main Screen. If changes are made to settings and not
saved, you will be prompted to save or lose changes.