OWAN Ports 13-13
The Bit Error Rate Tester (BERT) sends a data pattern and measures the bit error rate (BER)
on the selected WAN port. The patterns that can be selected are off, mark (all ones), space
(all zeros), 1:1 (0101), 1:7 (0100 0000), 3:24 (this pattern requires 3 bytes to display), qrss
(quasi-random signal source), prb11 (pseudorandom binary sequence), prb15 and prb20
The Synchronization (SYNC) field tells you if the integrated BERT has achieved
synchronization either with itself via a remote loopback or with the remote test equipment.
Since this is an information only field, there are no user selectable parameters.
The Bit Error (BE) field shows the total number of bit errors logged. Since this is an
information only field, there are no user selectable parameters.
The Errored Seconds (ES) field shows the total number of seconds in which any errors were
detected. Since this is an information only field, there are no user selectable parameters.
The Severely Errored Seconds (SES) field shows the total number of seconds in which the bit
error rate exceeded one bit per thousand (1 x 10-
3). Since this is an information only field, there
are no user selectable parameters.
The Consecutive Severely Errored Seconds (CSES) field is triggered by the occurrence of ten
consecutive Severely Errored Seconds. Once triggered, the CSES field will increment (by
one) for each elapsed second until the system logs ten consecutive non-Severely Errored
Seconds. Since this is an information only field, there are no user selectable parameters.
ELAP information only–no user options
LB ST information only–no user options