
Sub Rate Data Ports 8-9
SRU Ports Test Screen
Table 8-4. Test Screen Actions
Table 8-5. Test Screen Option Settings and Defaults
Bit Error Rate Tester (BERT) sends a data pattern and measures the bit error rate (BER) on the
selected SRU port. The patterns that can be selected are off, mark (all ones), space (all zeros),
1:1 (alternating 10101010), 1:7 (10000000), 511 (511 test pattern), and 2047 (2047 test
The Direction (DIR) setting allows you to specify where the BERT test signal should be
directed. The first option is net (network) which means that the test signal will be transmitted
through the system toward the Wide Area Network (WAN). The user option means that the
signal will be directed toward the attached DTE device over the RS-232 interface.
Action Function
Save Saves changes to settings.
Undo Returns all settings to the last saved state.
Refresh Updates certain time-related information fields that are not automatically
updated (i.e., test status).
InsertErr Allows you to manually insert a single error into the clear data signal.
Clear Clears the Test Screen and resets all counters to zero.
Main Returns to the SRU port Main Screen. If changes are made to settings and
not saved, you will be prompted to save or lose changes.
Parameter User Options Default
BERT off mark space 1:1 1:7 511 qrss 2047 off
DIR net user net
CTS norm off on norm
RLSD norm off on norm
SYNC information only–no user options *****
BE information only–no user options *****
ES information only–no user options *****
SES information only–no user options *****
CSES information only–no user options *****
OSS information only–no user options *****
BER information only–no user options *****
ELAP information only–no user options *****
RTS information only–no user options *****
SR OSS information only–no user options *****
LB ST information only–no user options *****