
MSAP2000 AAMS User’s Guide
22.2 Viewing the MAC Table
Click Management in the navigation panel and then MAC Table to display the
following screen.
Figure 70 MAC Table
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 56 MAC Table
Get Time This displays the date and time that the displayed MAC address information was
last updated. The date is in year, month and day format. The time is in (24-hour)
hour, minute and second format.
Page X of X This identifies which page of information is displayed and the total number of pages
of information.
Previous/Next Click one of these buttons to show the previous/next screen if all of the
information cannot be seen in one screen.
Show Select an individual port for which to show information.
Index This is the number of the MAC table entry.
MAC This is the MAC address of the device that the MSAP2000 AAMS has learned is
connected to the port.
Port This is the port to which the MAC address is
associated. VID This is the VLAN group to which the device belongs.
VPI/VCI This field displays the Virtual Path Identifier and Virtual Circuit Identifier of the channel
(PVC) to which the device is connected (for devices connected to DSL ports).
Refresh Click Refresh to update the list of dynamically learned MAC addresses.
Flush Click Flush to remove all of the dynamically learned MAC address entries from the
MAC table.