MSAP2000 AAMS User’s Guide
Figure 91 ADSL Show Command Example
ras> adsl show 1
port enable mode up/downstream profile
---- ------ -------- ------------- -------------------------------
1 V auto 512/ 9088 max
Subscriber Info:
port name tel
---- -------------------------------- ----------------
1 - -
26.3.2 ADSL Enable Command
adsl enable <portlist>
= You can specify a single ADSL port <1>, all ADSL
ports <*> or a list of ADSL ports <1,3,5>. You can also
include a range of ports <1,5,6~10>.
This command forcibly enables the specified ADSL port(s).
26.3.3 ADSL Disable Command
adsl disable <portlist>
= You can specify a single ADSL port <1>, all ADSL
ports <*> or a list of ADSL ports <1,3,5>. You can also
include a range of ports <1,5,6~10>.
This command forcibly disables the specified ADSL port(s).
Note: A port must be enabled before data transmission can occur. An enabled
but disconnected ADSL port generates more heat than an operating port.
To minimize heat generation and to enhance reliability, remember to disable
a port when it is not in use.