MSAP2000 AAMS User’s Guide
Table 9 System Information (continued)
Temperature Each temperature sensor can detect and report the temperature. Temperature
sensor 1 is near the ADSL line driver. Temperature sensor 2 is near the ADSL
chipset. Temperature sensor 3 is near the central processing unit.
Current This shows the current temperature at this sensor.
MAX This field displays the maximum temperature measured at this sensor.
MIN This field displays the minimum temperature measured at this sensor.
Average This field displays the average temperature measured at this sensor.
Threshold (Low) This field displays the lowest temperature limit at this sensor.
Threshold (Hi) This field displays the highest temperature limit at this sensor.
Status This field displays Normal for temperatures below the threshold and Over
for those above.
Voltage The power supply for each voltage has a sensor that can detect and report
the voltage.
Current This is the current voltage reading.
MAX This field displays the maximum voltage measured at this point.
MIN This field displays the minimum voltage measured at this point.
Average This field displays the average voltage measured at this sensor.
Threshold (Low) This field displays the lowest voltage limit at this sensor.
Threshold (Hi) This field displays the highest voltage limit at this sensor.
Status Normal indicates that the voltage is within an acceptable operating range at
this point; otherwise Abnormal is displayed.
Use this section of the screen to configure the hardware monitor threshold settings.
New threshold Configure new threshold settings in the fields below and click Apply to use them.
Temperature (Hi) Use these fields to configure the highest temperature limit at each sensor
6.3 General Setup
Click Basic Setting and General Setup in the navigation panel to display the
screen as shown.
ature Use these fields to configure the lo
est temperatu
e limi
each senso
Volt. (Hi) Use these fields to configure the highest voltage limit at each sensor.
Use these fields
e limit a
each senso
Poll Interval(s) The text box displays how often (in seconds) this screen refreshes. You
may change the refresh interval by typing a new number in the text box
and then clicking Set Interval.
Click Sto
to hal