MSAP2000 AAMS User’s Guide
= The index number of the sensor that can detect and
report the voltage.
<high> = The maximum voltage limit at a sensor.
You can specify a voltage with up to three digits after a
decimal point (0.941 for example).
<low> = The minimum voltage limit at a sensor.
You can specify a voltage with up to three digits after a
decimal point (0.941 for example).
This command sets the maximum and minimum voltage at a voltage sensor.
The following example sets the highest (1.242) and the lowest (1.035) voltage limit
at the first sensor.
Figure 89 Monitor Vlimit Command Example
ras> sys monitor vlimit 1 1.242 1.035
25.2.22 Monitor Tlimit Command
ras> sys monitor tlimit <idx> <high> <low>
= The index number of the temperature sensor that can
detect and report the temperature.
<high> = The maximum temperature limit at a sensor.
You can specify a temperature with up to three
digits after a decimal point (-50.025 for example).
<low> = The minimum voltage limit at a sensor.
You can specify a temperature with up to three
digits after a decimal point (-50.025 for example).
The following example sets the highest (97.0) and the lowest (-55.0)
temperature limit at the first sensor.