MSAP2000 AAMS User’s Guide
= You can specify a single ADSL port <1>, all ADSL ports
<*> or a list of ADSL ports <1,3,5>. You can also
include a range of ports <1,5,6~10>.
<tel> = An ADSL subscriber’s telephone number.
This command records the telephone number of an ADSL subscriber
telephone number. The following example records the telephone number
“12345678” for ADSL port 5.
Figure 96 ADSL Tel Command Example
ras> adsl tel 5 12345678
26.3.10 ADSL Loopback Command
adsl loopback <portlist> <f5> <vpi> <vci>
= You can specify a single ADSL port <1>, all ADSL ports
<*> or a list of ADSL ports <1,3,5>. You can also
include a range of ports <1,5,6~10>.
= Use f5 to perform an OAM F5 loopback test on the
specified DSL port. An Operational, Administration
and Maintenance Function 5 test is used to test the
connection between two DSL devices. First, the DSL
devices establish a virtual circuit. Then the local device
sends an ATM F5 cell to be returned by the remote
DSL device (both DSL devices must support ATM F5
in order to use this test).
<vpi> <vci>
= When you perform an OAM F5 loopback test,
specify a VPI/ VCI.
This command has the MSAP2000 AAMS perform a loopback test on the specified
ADSL port(s).
The following example has the MSAP2000 AAMS perform a local loopback test on
ADSL port 1.