MSAP2000 AAMS User’s Guide
<atuc ess> <atur
<atuc fast
rateup> <atur
fast rateup>
<atuc interleave
rateup> <atur
<atuc fast
ratedown> <atur
fast ratedown>
<atuc interleave
ratedown> <atur
<init fail
<atuc ses> <atur
<atuc uas> <atur
The alarmprofile set command configures ADSL port alarm thresholds. The
MSAP2000 AAMS sends an alarm trap and generates a syslog entry when the
thresholds of the alarm profile are exceeded.
Configure alarm profiles first and then use the alarmprofile map command to set the
MSAP2000 AAMS to use them with specific ADSL ports.
The following example sets an alarm profile named SESalarm that has the
MSAP2000 AAMS send an alarm trap and generate a syslog whenever the
upstream connection’s number of severely errored seconds exceeds three
within a 15 minute period.
Figure 101 Alarm Profile Set Command Example
ras> adsl alarmprofile set SESalarm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
3 0 0 0
26.3.16 Alarm Profile Delete Command
adsl alarmprofile delete <profile>
= The number of Errored SecondS that are
permitted to occur within 15 minutes.
= A rate in kilobits per second (kbps). If a fast mode
connection’s upstream transmission rate increases
by more than this number, then a trap is sent.
= A rate in kilobits per second (kbps). If an interleave
mode connection’s upstream transmission rate
increases by more than this number, then a trap is
= A rate in kilobits per second (kbps). If a fast mode
connection’s downstream transmission rate
decreases by more than this number, then a trap is
= A rate in kilobits per second (kbps). If an interleave
mode connection’s upstream transmission rate
decreases by more than this number, then a trap is
= “1” sets the profile to trigger an alarm for an
initialization failure trap. “2” sets the profile to not
trigger an alarm for an initialization failure trap.
= The number of Severely Errored Seconds that are
permitted to occur within 15 minutes.
= The number of UnAvailable Seconds that are
permitted to occur within 15 minutes.