MSAP2000 AAMS User’s Guide
This command assigns a specific profile to an individual port and sets the port’s
ADSL mode
(or standard). The profile defines the maximum and minimum
upstream/downstream rates, the target upstream/downstream signal noise
margins, and the maximum and minimum upstream/ downstream acceptable
noise margins of all the ADSL ports to which you assign the profile.
When set to auto, the port follows whatever mode is set on the other end of the line.
Note: When the mode is set to auto and the negotiated mode is G.lite, if the
configured rates exceed those allowed by G.lite, the actual rates are
governed by G.lite, regardless of the configured numbers.
The following example sets ADSL port 1 to have the gold profile in adsl2+ mode.
Figure 94 ADSL Profile Map Command Example
ras> adsl profile map 2 gold adsl2+
26.3.8 ADSL Name Command
adsl name <portlist> <name>
= You can specify a single ADSL port <1>, all ADSL ports
<*> or a list of ADSL ports <1,3,5>. You can also
include a range of ports <1,5,6~10>.
<name> = A descriptive name for the port.
This command sets the name of an ADSL port(s).
The following example sets ADSL port 5 to have the name “super”.
Figure 95 ADSL Name Command Example
ras> adsl name 5 super
26.3.9 ADSL Tel Command
adsl tel <portlist> <tel>