MSAP2000 AAMS User’s Guide
= The name of an alarm profile.
This command allows you to delete an individual ADSL alarm profile by its name.
You cannot delete the DEFVAL alarm profile.
The following example deletes the SESalarm alarm profile.
Figure 102 Alarm Profile Delete Command Example
ras> adsl alarm profile delete SESalarm
26.3.17 Alarm Profile Map Command
adsl alarmprofile map <portlist> <profile>
= You can specify a single ADSL port <1>, all ADSL ports
<*> or a list of ADSL ports <1,3,5>. You can also
include a range of ports <1,5,6~10>.
= The name of an alarm profile.
Sets the MSAP2000 AAMS to use an (already configured) alarm profile with the
specified ADSL ports. The following example sets the MSAP2000 AAMS to use
the SESalarm alarm profile with ADSL port 5.
Figure 103 Alarm Profile Map Command Example
ras> adsl alarmprofile map SESalarm 5
26.3.18 Alarm Profile Showmap Command
adsl alarmprofile showmap [port number]
[port number]
= The number of an ADSL port.