Invite a friend to play a game: Tap Friends, tap the friend’s name, tap a game, then
tap Play. See “Playing Games” on page 183.
Remove a friend: Tap Friends, tap a name, then tap Unfriend and tap Remove.
If a player is oensive or exhibits inappropriate behavior, you can report the problem.
Report a problem with a friend: Tap Friends, tap the friend’s name, then tap “Report a
Problem.” Describe the problem, then tap Report to send the report.
If you turn o Multiplayer Games in Settings, you can’t send or receive invitations to
play games. See “Restrictions” on page 196.
Your Status and Account Information
The Me screen summarizes information about your friends, your games, and your
The text eld in the center of the screen lets you enter your current status message.
Your status appears along with your nickname in other players’ Friends screens.
Change your status: Tap the status eld and use the keyboard to enter or update
your status.
View your account information: Tap the account banner, then tap View Account.
You can change or update the following settings:
Nickname Â
Allow game invites Â
Find Me By Email Â
Your mail address for Game Center Â
Additional email addresses Â
When you nish, tap Done.
You can also sign out and sign in to a dierent account, or create a new account.
Sign out: Tap the account banner, then tap Sign Out.
To sign in to another account, enter your username and password, then tap Sign In. To
create a new account, tap Create New Account and follow the onscreen instructions.
Chapter 24 Game Center