Purchasing Music or Audiobooks
When you nd a song, album, or audiobook you like in the iTunes Store, you can
purchase and download it to iPhone. You can preview an item before you purchase it
to make sure it’s what you want.
Preview a song or audiobook: Tap the item.
Purchase and download a song, album, or audiobook:
1 Tap the price, then tap Buy.
2 Sign in using your Apple ID if requested, then tap OK.
If you don’t have an Apple ID, tap Create New Apple ID to set one up.
Your purchase is charged to your Apple ID. For additional purchases made within the
next fteen minutes, you don’t have to enter your password again.
If you already purchased songs from the album, the price is discounted based on that
number of songs.
Some albums include bonus content. Bonus songs and music videos are downloaded
to iPhone when you purchase the album. Other bonus content—iTunes Extras,
iTunes LP, and digital booklets—can be downloaded and viewed only on your
computer. To download these items to your iTunes library, choose Store > Check for
Available Downloads.
Once you purchase an item, it begins downloading and appears on the Downloads
screen. See “Checking Download Status” on page 172.
Purchased songs are added to a Purchased playlist on iPhone. If you delete the Purchased
playlist, iTunes creates a new one when you buy an item from the iTunes Store.
You can redeem iTunes Store gift cards, gift certicates, or other promotional codes to
make purchases. When you’re signed in, your remaining store credit appears with your
Apple ID information at the bottom of most iTunes Store screens.
Enter a redemption code: Tap Music (tap More rst, if Music isn’t visible), then tap
Redeem at the bottom of the screen and follow the onscreen instructions.
Complete an album: While viewing any album, tap the discounted price for the
remaining songs below Complete My Album. To see oers to complete other albums,
tap Music, then tap Complete My Album Oers (near the bottom).
Purchasing or Renting Videos
The iTunes Store lets you purchase and download movies, TV shows, and music videos
(may not be available in all countries or regions). Some movies and TV shows can also
be rented for a limited time. Video content may be available in standard-denition
(SD, or 480p) format, high-denition (HD, or 720p) format, or both.
Preview a video: Tap Preview.
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Chapter 22 iTunes Store