
Visual Voicemail
The play and pause controls in visual voicemail let you control the playback of
messages. Drag the playhead on the scrubber bar to repeat a portion of the message
that’s hard to understand. See “Checking Voicemail” on page 68.
Assignable Ringtones
You can assign distinctive ringtones to individuals in your contacts list for audible
caller ID. You can purchase ringtones from the iTunes Store on iPhone. See “Purchasing
Ringtones” on page 169.
Instant Messaging (IM) Chat
The App Store features many Internet Messaging (IM) apps, such as AIM, BeejiveIM,
ICQ, and Yahoo! Messenger, that are optimized for iPhone.
Minimum Font Size for Mail Messages
To increase readability, set a minimum font size for Mail message text to Large, Extra
Large, or Giant. See “Mail” on page 204.
TTY Support (Available in Some Areas)
Use iPhone in TTY mode with the iPhone TTY Adapter (available separately) to use
a Teletype (TTY) machine. See “Using iPhone with a Teletype (TTY) Machine” on
page 206.
Universal Access in Mac OS X
Take advantage of the Universal Access features in Mac OS X when you use iTunes
to sync information and content from your iTunes library to iPhone. In the Finder,
choose Help > Mac Help, then search for “universal access.”
For more information about iPhone and Mac OS X accessibility features, go to
Chapter 29 Accessibility