5 Profiles
Profiles are a group of preset special definitions which you can
activate quickly. The phone provides a group of default profiles
including: standard profile, meeting profile, car profile, outdoors
profile, silence profile and flight mode profile. Each profile has
default factory settings. The users can modify and store the profiles
to meet their personal preferences (apart from silence and flight
Activating Profiles
To start using a profile, tap the appropriate profile in the Profiles
Personalization Setup
Touch Option Edit to enter the personalization setup window.
You can personalize any of the variables of the phone profiles.
Personalization setup includes the following:
Voi ce ca ll : Allows you to select the incoming voice call ringtone.
To set, open the ringtone select window and touch to play the
currently selected ringtone. Touch the screen again to stop playing
the ringtone. Touch set up to set the selected ringtone as the
ringtone for voice calls.
Video call: Allows you to setup the incoming video call alert tone.
Ring volume: To adjust the ring volume, increase the ring volume
control window. Press the volume up button on the side of the