Changing Letter Case
Using T9 and Abc text input modes you can set the
capitalization. Press to cycle through the
IInniittiiaall CCaapp ((TT99WWoorrdd // AAbbcc))
Only the first letter is capitalized. All subsequent
letters are lower case.
CCaappss LLoocckk ((TT99WWOORRDD // AABBCC))
All letters are capitalized.
LLoowweerr CCaassee ((TT99wwoorrdd // aabbcc))
All letters are in lower case.
Text Input Examples
Display the text modes and select a text mode:
1. In a text entry field, press right option button
to display text modes.
2. Press to highlight the text input mode you
want to use.
3. Press to select the highlighted text input
Using Abc (Multi-tap) Text Input
1. Press right option button to change to Abc
2. Press to change to ABC Caps Lock.
3. Press .
LG is displayed.
Entering and Editing Information
Entering and Editing Information
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