LG Electronics LX140 Cell Phone User Manual

4. While viewing selected message the right option
button Options from here are Call (Go to list)/
Forward/ Lock(Unlock)/ Save number/ Save URL/
Save Email/ Delete/ Delete all
4. Outbox
Up to 50 sent messages can be stored in the Outbox.
View lists and contents of sent messages and verify
whether the transmission was successful or not.
1. Press , , .
2. Use to highlight an Outbox message.
Press left option button Resend.
Press right option button Options.
Options from Outbox view:
Call (Go to list)/ Lock (Unlock)/ Save/ Delete/
Delete all
3. Press .
Options from here: left option button Forward.
Options from message view:
Call (Go to list)/ Resend/ Edit/ Save /Lock(Unlock)/
Save auto text/ Compose new/ Delete/ Delete all
5. Draft
Displays draft messages.
1. Press , , .
2. Use to highlight a message.
Press left option button Edit.
Press right option button Options.
Send/ Compose new/ Delete/ Delete all
6. Saved
Displays saved messages.
1. Press , , .
2. Use to highlight a message.
7. Virgin Alerts
Free system messages provide information from time
to time to let you know about your account.
1. Press , , .
LX140_Virgin_Eng.qxd 7/3/07 9:04 AM Page 44