a Outgoing international calls except home
country: When abroad, calls can be made
only to numbers within the current country
and to your home country, which is where
your home network provider is located.
a All incoming: Calls cannot be received.
a Incoming when abroad: Calls cannot be
received when you are using your handset
outside your home service area.
Deactivate all
All call barring settings are deactivated; calls
can be made and received normally.
Fixed dial numbers
You can fix dialling to specified phone numbers
only. This information is saved on the USIM
card. You must enter your PIN2 code for
a On: Enables Fixed Dial Numbers.
a Off: Disables Fixed Dial Numbers.
a FDN list: You can view and edit the Fixed
Dial Number list.
Call waiting
The network will notify you of a new incoming
call while you have a call in progress. Select
Activate to request the network to activate call
waiting, Deactivate to request the network to
deactivate call waiting, or View status, to check
if the function is active or not.
Call reject
This menu allows you to enable or disable
rejection of all calls or calls categorized as
Unregistered, Contacts or Groups.
a Reject On/Off: To Enable or Disable the Call
a Reject list: To select the category of call
reject numbers. You can select any of the
following categories:
z All calls: If this category is selected, all calls
will be rejected.
z Contacts: If this category is selected, all
numbers in contacts list will be rejected.