102 Digitizers Command Reference Chapter 3
Self-Test Error Definitions: A failed self-test will return a number other than
zero. The binary value of that number defines the failure mode. More than
one failure mode may result from one self-test. The failure modes are
defined in the following sections for each type of self-test.
Bits and their
weighting are:
Offset Noise Test (self-test numbers 3 - 58)
Offset DAC Test (self-test numbers 59-62) (E1564A 4-Channel Digitizer)
Gain DAC Test (self-test numbers 63-66) (E1564A 4-Channel Digitizer)
bit # 76543210
weight 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
BCD weight Failure mode
1 Span is zero
2 Span is too large
4 Mean is too low
8 Mean is too high
16 Standard deviation is too large
BCD weight Failure mode
1 DAC measurement is noisy
2 Measured data span is too small
4 Lower end point to upper end point span is too small
8 Lower end point to upper end point span is too large
16 Offset DAC span does not include 0
32 Bit weight is out of limits; the offending bit is in B15-B8.
BCD weight Failure mode
1 DAC measurement is noisy
2 Measured data span is too small
4 Lower end point to upper end point span is too small
8 Lower end point to upper end point span is too large
16 Gain DAC span does not include 0
32 Bit weight is out of limits; the offending bit is in B15-B8.
64 Gain DAC nominal setting is out of limits.