92 Digitizers Command Reference Chapter 3
[SENSe:]VOLTage[<channel>][:DC]:RANGe <range> changes the range
on the specified channel. There are seven different ranges. If the range
specified falls between two of the instrument’s ranges, the range is
set to the next higher range setting. The command defaults to channel 1 if
no channel is specified.
Comments Crossover Points: Crossover points for range changes are:
Voltage Range Resolution
0.0625 .000007629
0.2500 .000030518
1.0000 .000122070
4.0000 .000488281
16.0000 .007812500
64.0000 .007812500
256.0000 .03125
Comments Executable when initiated: NO
Coupled command: YES: TRIGger:LEVel may be affected if one of the
levels is the trigger event on the channel that had the range change.
The level set for CALCulate:LIMit:LOWer (and :UPPer) will be modified to
be the same percent of full range. This will generate a different voltage
value for the limit level.
Reset (*RST) Condition: Range is set to 256 for all channels
[SENSe:]VOLTage[<channel>][:DC]:RANGe? queries the specified channel
for its present range setting. The command defaults to channel 1 if no
channel is specified.
[SENSe:]VOLTage[<channel>][:DC]:RESolution? queries the specified
channel for its present resolution setting. Resolution versus range setting
is shown in the VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe command. The command defaults
to channel 1 if no channel is specified.