Digitizers Command Reference 105Chapter 3
Comments Changing Ranges: The present range setting will determine the maximum
and minimum values that can be entered without error. Changing range will
keep the level at the same percentage of the new range. For example, if
level is set to 2.0 on the 4V range, the level is set to 8.0 if you change to the
16V range (50% of full range).
Setting Levels: Changing ranges will change an existing level to the same
percent of full scale on the new range. For example, if an 8.0 level is set
on the 16V range and the range is then changed to the 4V range, the level
attempts to change to 2.0V (still 50%). However, for this range, this action
causes an error message to be generated and the new level is set to the
maximum or minimum the new range will support.
Trigger Slopes: TRIG:SLOPe specifies the direction of signal movement
through which the level will trigger the digitizer. TRIG:SLOPe POSitive
causes a trigger when the signal passes through the level and rises above
the specified level. TRIG:SLOPe NEGative causes a trigger when the signal
passes through the level and falls below the specified level.
Executable when initiated: NO
Coupled command: YES. Range setting
Reset (*RST) condition: 0.00 on all channels
TRIGger:LEVel<channel>? queries the value of the trigger level set on the
specified channel.
TRIGger:MODE NORMal | MASTer<n> | SLAVe<n> sets the trigger mode.
Master and Slave parameters set the modules for use in connecting more
than one module together for simultaneous measurements from the same
trigger and sample.
Comments Master and Slave Operation: NORMal sets standard trigger operation and the
specified trigger and sample sources are used. MASTer<n> and SLAVe<n>
pairs a sample line and a trigger line which are then used for multiple unit
synchronization. See Chapter 2 for more information, including diagrams.
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
<n> numeric 0, 2, 4, 6 none