Digitizers Command Reference 67Chapter 3
Comments Using the <size> Parameter: The <size> parameter will accept a value in
excess of the industry notation value of 4M, 8M, 16M, etc. (e.g., 4E6, 8E6,
16E6, etc.) up to the actual size. See DIAGnostic:MEMory:SIZE?.
DIAGnostic:MEMory:SIZE? queries the RAM size value in calibration
memory. The value returned is the actual amount of memory, not the
abbreviated industry notation for memory size, as shown below:
DIAGnostic:PEEK? <reg_number> queries the specified register and returns
the contents of the register.
Reading Registers: See Appendix B for register bit definitions. You can read
the following digitizer registers using the register number. For example, to
read the Manufacturers ID register, execute DIAG:PEEK? 0. This returns
-12289 (decimal) or FFFFFCFFF (hexadecimal). The three least-significant
characters (FFF) indicates a Hewlett-Packard A16 register-based module.
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
size numeric 4E6, 8E6, 16E6, 32E6,
64E6 and 128E6
RAM Industry Notation Actual Size Value
4M 4,194,304
8M 8,388,608
16M 16,777,216
32M 33,554,432
64M 67,108,864
128M 134,217,728
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
reg_number numeric 0 to 31 none