
58 Digitizers Command Reference Chapter 3
Executable when initiated: NO
Coupled Command: NO
Reset (*RST) Condition: EXTernal
CALibration:SOURce? queries which calibration source is set. This setting is
shared by all channels. Returns “INT” for INTernal or “EXT” for EXTernal.
CALibration:STATe ON | 1 | OFF | 0 enables the calibration of the instrument.
Many instrument operations are not allowed when this state is ON and will
result in an error “Illegal while calibrating”. You must set the calibration state
to OFF when calibration is finished.
NOTE Sending CAL:STAT OFF, without storing any modified cal constants with
the CAL:STORe command, will generate an error. Send the ABORt or
*RST command to abort a calibration without storing cal constants.
Executable when initiated: NO
Coupled Command: NO
Reset (*RST) Condition: OFF
CALibration:STATe? queries the present calibration state of the instrument.
A return value of “1” indicates the instrument is enabled and will accept
calibration commands and perform calibrations. A return value of “0”
indicates the instrument is not calibration enabled and attempting to
execute a calibration process command such as CAL:GAIN or CAL:ZERO,
will return the error “Calibration not enabled”.