Digitizers Command Reference 65Chapter 3
DIAGnostic:DAC:SOURce <voltage> outputs the specified voltage from the
internal calibration source DAC onto the calibration pins (CAL -H and CAL-L)
of the front panel Calibration Bus Output connector. This command is a
factory diagnostic routine.
Input Relay Operation: The channel’s input relay remains open until it is
closed by INPut:STATe ON by a reset of the instrument.
Executable when initiated: NO
Coupled Command: NO
Reset (*RST) Condition: DAC output is set to 0V
DIAGnostic:DAC:SOURce:RAMP <count> outputs a ramp of DAC values
from 0 to 4095 with the DAC code changing about every 100 msec. This
command is a factory diagnostic routine.
Using the <count> Parameter: The <count> parameter specifies how many
ramps to output. The timing is such that about 2.3257 full ramps are output
each second. A count of 139 will output ramps for just under 60 seconds.
The signal will be output onto the calibration pins (CAL -H and CAL -L) on
the front panel Calibration Bus Output connector.
Executable when initiated: NO
Coupled Command: NO
Reset (*RST) Condition: DAC output is set to 0V
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
voltage numeric -15.0 to +15.0 none
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
count numeric 1 through 255 none