Using the Digitizers 37Chapter 2
Triggering the Digitizers
This section describes digitizer triggering, including:
• Trigger Sources
• Using Internal Triggering
• Using External Triggering
• Master/Slave Operation
Trigger Sources Triggering digitizer readings across all input channels is accomplished
with one or both of the two trigger sources (TRIGger:SOURce1 and
TRIGger:SOURce2). The trigger event can be different for each source.
For example, SOURce1 can be EXT and SOURce2 can be TTLT0. Use
TRIG:SOURce<n> to set the trigger source event options which can be
OFF | BUS | EXT | HOLD | IMMEDIATE | INTernal1-4 | TTLT0-7.
You must execute TRIG:SOURce<n> two times to set both trigger sources
(TRIG:SOUR1 and TRIG:SOUR2). At power-up and after resetting the
module with *RST, TRIG:SOUR1 defaults to IMM and TRIG:SOUR2
defaults to HOLD. The number of readings set by SAMPle:COUNt are
taken after the trigger event occurs.
NOTE Do not confuse TRIG:SOUR1 as being associated with only channel 1
(as well as TRIG:SOUR2 with only channel 2). Both sources are common
to ALL channels and the “1” and “2” are not channel designators but
“source” designators.
Using Internal
Using SCPI or VXIplug&play, you can trigger internally from a voltage
level from any channel. The trigger level is set using TRIG:LEVel<channel>
<voltage> for the channel you want to generate the trigger event. You then
set the trigger source to trigger internally from that channel using
TRIG:SOURce<n>INT<channel>. For example, to trigger from a 11.5V
level on channel 2, send VOLT2:RANG 16; TRIG:LEV2 11.5;
TRIG:SOUR INT2. Figure 2-1 shows the relationship of the trigger level to
the internal trigger source.
Each channel has a level compare circuit that compares the input signal to
the value set by the TRIG:LEVel<channel> command. This level initiates a
trigger when the input signal equals or exceeds the value set by TRIG:LEVel
This means the trigger can occur at a value other than the value set by the
TRIG:LEVel command.
For example, assume a trigger level of 0V on a ramp from -1V to +1V.
The first samples may be negative values close to zero. These values will
not cause a trigger because they do not equal or exceed the trigger level
value yet. The next sample may be a positive value greater than the trigger
level. The trigger compare circuit (see Figure 2-4) detects this level is equal
to or greater than the trigger level value set and a trigger is generated.
It was not, however, generated at the exact trigger level value set by the
TRIG:LEVel command.