Register-Based Programming 127Appendix B
Reading the Register Via Command Module PEEK command: DIAG:PEEK? 2083332,16
(2083328 = base with logical address 40 + 04 offset - see Figure B-2)
Via Digitizer Module PEEK command: DIAG:PEEK? 2 (2 signifies the third
word, 16 bits, zero-base numbering system)
*WRITE BITS (Status/Control Register)
bit 0 R Writing a "1" to this bit resets the digitizer to the power-on state. You must set bit 0 back
to a logical "0" before resuming normal operations of the module.
bit 1 S “1” inhibits sysfail, “0” does not inhibit sysfail.
bit 6 E “1” disables error reporting LED, “0” enables error reporting LED (front panel).
bit 7 F “1” disables Flash ROM “write”, “0” enables Flash ROM “write”.
bit 12 A24 “1” sets A24 space as all FIFO, “0” sets A24 space as broken up.
bit 13
“1” sets Motorola format for reading ordering, “0” sets Intel format for reading ordering.
bit 15 A “1” enables A32 decoding, “0” enables A24 decoding.
**READ BITS (Status/Control Register)
bit 0 R Reset Status; "1" = module reset, "0" = normal operation.
bit 1 S SYSFAIL inhibit; “1” = inhibited, “0” = not inhibited.
bit 2 P Passed; “1” = passed, “0” = failed.
bit 3 RDY Ready; “1” = A32 decoding enabled, “0” = A24 decoding enabled.
bits 4 & 5 Arm
Bit 4 is “1” for 1 msec after a range/filter change then returns to “0”, bit 5 is “1”
for 30 msec after range/filter change then returns to “0”.
bit 6 E Error; “1” disables front panel error LED, “0” enables front panel error LED.
bit 7 F Flash ROM; “1” disables Flash ROM “write”, “0” enables Flash ROM “write”.
bits 8, 9,
and 10
Memory Size; “000” = 4 MBytes, “001” = 8 MBytes, “010” = 16 MBytes, “011” = 32 MBytes,
“100” = 64 MBytes, “101” = 128 MBytes.
bit 12 A24 “1” sets A24 space as all FIFO, “0” sets A24 space as broken up.
bit 13 MOT-
“1” = Motorola big endian byte swapping, “0” = Intel little endian byte swapping.
bit 14 M MODID bit; if the bit is "0", module has been selected.
bit 15 A A24/A32 enable; “1” = A32 decoding enabled, “0” = A24 decoding enabled.