78 Digitizers Command Reference Chapter 3
OUTPut:TTLT<n>[:STATe] ON | 1 | OFF | 0 enables or disables the specified
TTL Trigger line for outputting the source set by OUTPut:TTLT<n>:
SOURce. <n> can have the value 0 through 7 (TTLT0 - TTLT7).
Comments Resource Conflicts: Resource conflicts will occur if either the trigger or
sample source is already using a TTL line you attempt to enable as an
OUTPut line. The OUTPut TTLT line will not be enabled and a “Settings
Conflict” error will occur.
Settings Conflict Error: Setting the trigger or sample source to a TTL trigger
line that has its output state ON will result in a settings conflict error and the
output state will be changed to OFF. The specified trigger line will be
assigned to the sample or trigger source.
Master-Slave Settings: TRIG:MODE MASTer<n> | SLAVe<n> will disable all
other OUTPut:TTLT<n>:STATe settings. The only outputs that will occur are
those defined in the MASTer-SLAVe relationship.
Executable when initiated: NO
Coupled Command: YES
Reset (*RST) Condition: All lines set to OFF
OUTPut:TTLT<n>[:STATe]? queries the specified TTL Trigger line (TTLT0-
TTLT7) to determine if it is enabled (1) or disabled (0).