210 Chapter4
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Peak Search
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Remote Command:
Example: CALC:MARK2:MAX:NEXT selects marker 2 and moves it to the next highest
4.1.2 Next Pk Right
Moves the marker to the next peak to the right of the current marker. The peak must meet
the defined peak excursion and threshold limits. Peaks that are less than 1% of the current
span away from 0 Hz are ignored. If no valid peak is found, an error “No Peak Found”is
displayed. Press
ESC to clear this message before attempting another search. (Also see the
Peak Excursn and Pk Threshold key descriptions.)
Key Path:
Peak Search
State Saved: Not part of saved state.
Remote Command:
Example: CALC:MARK2:MAX:RIGH selects marker 2 and moves it to the next peak to
the right.
4.1.3 Next Pk Left
Moves the marker to the next peak to the left of the current marker. The peak must meet
the defined peak excursion and threshold limits. Peaks that are less than 1% of the current
span away from 0 Hz are ignored. If no valid peak is found, an error “No Peak Found”is
displayed. Press
ESC to clear this message before attempting another search. (Also see the
Peak Excursn and Pk Threshold key descriptions.)
Key Path:
Peak Search
State Saved: Not part of saved state.
Remote Command:
Example: CALC:MARK2:MAX:LEFT selects marker 2 and moves it to the next peak to
the left.
4.1.4 Min Search
Moves the active marker to the minimum detected amplitude value on the current trace.